BBAM Account - Ecosystem Credit Stock Account, 2022 1.5.1. Experimental Account.
This account forms part of the BioBanking Assessment Methodology (BBAM) 2010 to 2022 theme
This account is based on the public registers of the ecosystems credits from the BioBanking Offset Scheme. BioBanking enabled biodiversity credits to be generated by landowners and developers who committed to enhancing and protecting biodiversity values on their land through a BioBanking agreement. It allows us to understand how the stock of ecosystems credits evolved over time.
How to use the report
Using the top right-hand side filters on each page, you can filter the accounts by vegetation type and species name. These accounts present data on the number of credits issued, retired and transferred for each vegetation types and species, as well as the total areas.
Tile image. Nicola Brookhouse/DCCEEW